Dixon's lawsuit reiterated her allegations against Simmons, that he "violently" raped her at his apartment in 1995 

She started working as director of A&R at Def Jam in 1994,  

when she was 23, and alleges Simmons soon began subjecting her to unwanted sexual advances. 

She says she resigned after the alleged assault but did not report the incident to the police due to fear of retribution.

Russell Simmons – profoundly disrupting her personal and professional life  

Mr. Simmons has used his public platform to re-traumatize and terrorize Ms. Dixon, 

This latest lawsuit comes after Simmons on Tuesday was sued in the Southern 

District of New York for allegedly raping a former Def Jam Recording executive. 

Ms. Doe learned about the accounts of the other survivors, she was struck 

similar they were to her own horrible experience at the hands of Mr. Simmons," the complaint stated. 

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