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Auburn graduate and Atlanta artist Jared Knox won Best of Show at the Alabama Wildlife Fine Arts Competition in Wetumpka.

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His winning painting, "Bobcat and Bobwhite," is a 36x24-inch acrylic piece inspired by his hunting experiences and a memorable bobcat sighting.

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The competition was part of the Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival, where Knox connected with renowned artists like Dirk Walker and Sue Key.

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Initially studying mechanical engineering at Auburn, Knox transitioned to full-time art after gaining recognition in an Atlanta gallery during his final semester.

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Knox's love for wildlife, cultivated during family hunting trips to Alabama's Black Belt, is evident in his art, showcasing admiration for animals and their hunting stories.

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Encouraged by Cindy Harris, wife of ALBBAA founder Thomas Harris, Knox created "Bobcat and Bobwhite" specifically for the Wetumpka competition.

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The Wetumpka Wildlife Arts Festival, a collaborative effort, aims to boost tourism, economic development, and exposure for The Kelly Fitzpatrick Memorial Gallery in Wetumpka.

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Thomas Harris, ALBBAA founder, views the festival as an opportunity to highlight Wetumpka as an emerging arts destination, fostering community growth and art appreciation.