Poonam Pandey Passed Away: Poonam Pandey, a Bollywood actor, passed away at 32 due to cervical cancer 

Family Confirms on Instagram: Her family shared the sad news on her Instagram page, telling everyone about her death. 

Family's Feelings: The family is very sad and wants some private time to deal with this tough situation. 

Big Loss in Entertainment: Poonam Pandey's death is a big loss for the entertainment world. 

Fond Memories: People who knew her will always remember the good and kind things she did. 

Family's Instagram Post: The family shared their tough morning feelings on Instagram. 

Loving and Kind Nature: Poonam Pandey was known for being loving and kind to everyone she met. 

Privacy Request: The family wants some time alone to remember the good times they shared with Poonam. 

Remembering Her Work: People will remember Poonam Pandey for the good things she did in the entertainment world. 

Sad Time for Fans: Fans are feeling very sad, and everyone will remember the positive things she brought to the industry. 

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